block capital

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block capital

(Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) another term for block letter
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.block capital - a plain hand-drawn letterblock capital - a plain hand-drawn letter    
alphabetic character, letter of the alphabet, letter - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
These titles were not only picked out in shaded Gothic on the garden gates, but appeared a second time on the porches, where they followed the semicircular curve of the entrance arch in block capitals. "Albert" was inhabited.
M2 EQUITYBITES-April 5, 2019-3iQ to Acquire Management of First Block Capital's FBC Bitcoin Trust and Distributed Ledger Technology Adopters ETF
First Block Capital, including Chief Operating Officer William Stormont, joined Erik Sloane, Head of Business Development, Funds at NEO, to open the market in celebration of their first ETF launch, the FBC Distributed Ledger Technology Adopters ETF (NEO:FBCN) on the NEO Exchange, which began trading on October 10, 2018, the company said.
TELECOMWORLDWIRE-November 21, 2018-First Block Capital celebrates new fund
NEO Connect has announced that Canada's first bitcoin fund, First Block Capital Bitcoin Trust ("FBC Bitcoin Trust") is now available on its fund distribution platform, the company said.
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-September 13, 2018-Canada's First Block Capital Bitcoin trust available on NEO Connect
e book, which is the result of the Heritage Lottery-funded project Block Capital, an investigation of their history based at Wolverhampton Art Gallery, captures the story of the architecture, including the boom in Modernist construction in the 1960s.
The Naga's Tesco packaging is emblazoned with a six chilli icon warning and labels reading "Super Super Hot," "The Hottest" and, in full block capital letters: "Warning!
M2 EQUITYBITES-November 21, 2018-First Block Capital celebrates new fund
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-September 18, 2017-Canada's First Block Capital Releases Details on First Bitcoin Fund
But his piece de resistance was in block capital letters across the forehead.