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1. The isolation of a nation, area, city, or harbor by hostile ships or forces in order to prevent the entrance and exit of traffic and commerce.
2. The forces used to effect this isolation.
tr.v. block·ad·ed, block·ad·ing, block·ades
To set up a blockade against: blockaded the harbor.

[Probably block + -ade (as in barricade).]

block·ad′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.blockading - blocking entrance to and exit from seaports and harborsblockading - blocking entrance to and exit from seaports and harbors; "the blockading ships prevented delivery of munitions"
preventative, preventive - tending to prevent or hinder
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The blockading states claimed that the Qatari regime is responsible for promoting 'terrorism' and 'destabilising the region'.
Hisham Aljundi DOHA The National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) intends to discuss a series of new mechanisms and procedures with international delegations and organisations to compel the blockading countries to stop their punitive and discriminatory measures against citizens and residents of Qatar, its chairman HE Dr Ali bin Smaikh al Marri has said.
"The failure of the UAE-Saudi axis to achieve its goal of dominating Qatar in quick time after the launch of the blockade and the success of Qatar in overcoming the challenge it faced to ensure its political independence and economic sovereignty, have had a negative impact on the perception of the blockading countries," said Rory Miller, a professor at Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q).
Qatar had also recently announced the banning of products from the blockading countries - the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain.
The aim of the blockading quartet was to dent Qatar's economy, to isolate it diplomatically, and ultimately to weaken the nation and turn it into a more pliant partner for their regional pursuits.
"This report shows without a spec of doubt that these procedures undertaken by blockading countries are not mere diplomatic severing of relations, they are not just an economic boycott," he added, stressing that "These are unilateral, abusive, arbitrary measures that are impacting citizens and expats in Qatar."
A blockade always have adverse effects on the supply to the civilian populace like food items, medicines, drinking water, fuel and other basic needs vital for its survival."The practice of the two World Wars gives evidence that the blockading powers did not consider themselves to be obliged to provide for the free passage of relief consignments to the blockaded area, even if the civilian population was threatened by starvation" (Oxford Public International Law, 2015, "Blockade").Inevitably, blockades inflict harm on blameless civilians, and in extreme cases they may violate International Humanitarian Law (IHL) which generally means deaths of innocent people, severe affliction and senseless devastation.
(37) This is usually done through diplomatic channels and "notices to mariners." The notification requirement is important, because before a merchant vessel may be held to have "breached" a blockade, the blockading state must be able to prove the vessel knew or ought to have known of the blockade's existence.
The objectives of its navy are: (1) protecting Israeli commerce at sea from foreign fleets; (2) preventing a possible naval blockade of Israeli ports during wartime; (3) blockading enemy ports during wartime; and (4) blockading the coast fines of former Israeli territories from which national security threats to Israel arose.
even if the blockading states believed that traditional blockade law was
"Once a blockade has been lawfully established, it needs to be understood that the blockading power can attack any vessel breaching the blockade if after prior warning the vessel intentionally and clearly refuses to stop or intentionally and clearly resists visit, search or capture.
INVOICE: Paperwork for bales transported by the The Union Navy wanted to stop trade and supplies by blockading Confederate ports on the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts.