Block book

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Block´ book`

1.A book printed from engraved wooden blocks instead of movable types.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Now they have been reminded that the authority's Co-wheels car club is available and that employees can block book a vehicle during working hours.
BLOCK BOOK LEGOLAND IF you're in search of a fun-filled break this half-term to keep the kids entertained, then look no further than a trip to the Legoland Windsor Resort.
Legoland offers fun for the whole family BLOCK BOOK LEGOLAND IF you're in search of a fun-filled break this half-term to keep the kids entertained, then look no further than a trip to the Legoland Windsor Resort.
Male students gave a significantly high rating to block book's clarity (pless than 0.001) and content (p=0.007) (Table-3), and thought that block coordinator was more helpful (pless than 0.001) (Table-4) compared to females.
A spokesman for LILA said the school did block book rooms at three Penlake buildings "on an ad hoc basis but quite extensively", although not the entire accommodation.
The spokesman added: "As far as we are aware Hatton Garden is not yet complete but when it is we will probably also block book some rooms there though we are not contracted to do so."
Organiser Sue Sims said: "We negotiate directly with tour and venue operators, coach companies and so on to block book tickets.
MEL GIBSON'S film The Passion of the Christ has topped box offices in the US and prompted churches to block book whole cinemas for their congregations.
The reward for the two schools that block book the most seats (pounds 20) is a 15-minute match during the Liverpool v Everton game on September 4 and orders must be placed at the new ticket office on headed note paper.
We are also looking to block book clubs and groups into the facility."
The Carnbane League would like to block book places for local players.