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1. string
2. strength or springiness of material
[probably a dialect pronunciation of band2]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
"I shall have to bant if I can't break myself of this habit of sitting on gentlemen's knees."
Bu calismanin amaci; laparoskopik ayarlanabilir gastrik bant (LAGB) ameliyati uygulanan hastalarda uzun donem takip sonuclari ile basari oranini irdelemektir.
The OLR sought a six-month license suspension for Bant, who is represented by Peyton Engel of Hurley Burish in Madison.
Tum katilimcilarin vucut kitle indeksi degerleri ile kinezyolojik bant uygulamasi oncesinde elde edilen kuvvet degerleri Pearson Correlation testi ile kiyaslandi ve 0,077 degerinde negatif yonde bir korelasyon goruldu ancak bu iki degisken arasinda anlamli bir iliski gorulmedi.
He said: "When you pictured Bant, you pictured him on his black Harley Davidson.
SD-OKT'de yasca daha buyuk olan birinci olguda daha belirgin olarak izlenen retina ic yuzeyindeki hiperreflektif bant katlanti bolgesinde zaman icerisinde fibrotik bir dejenerasyonun gelistigini dusundurmektedir.
BAnt when traversing from a node will increase the pheromone as shown in (4), where a is the variable parameter, hm represents the maximum hops between sources to destination, hc is the remaining hops to destination, and En represents node remaining energy.
British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT), telephone, 0870 606 1284, ?
Luke Ellis, 31, of Waun Bant Road, pleaded guilty yesterday at Cardiff Magistrates' Court to driving without insurance.
Roedd yn dwyn i gof hanes fy ewythr John Evans (Jac y Goedwig), Corris, ac fel yr oeddym yn codi tua 4 o'r gloch y bore, cael paned a bowliad o uwd, ac yna draw am Bant Coch, Esgairgeiliog (Ceinws) a cherdded gyr o oddeutu 50 o ddefaid o gorlan Pan Coch i lawr am Bont Ifans, ac yna i lawr yr A470 (A487 heddiw) am Bant Perthog hyd at y Lliwdy.
The unit, Nitto Denko Turkey Bant Materyalleri San ve Tic, focuses on materials processing and tape products selling, serving vehicle and household appliance manufacturers.