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(ˈbæŋ kwoʊ, -koʊ)

(in Shakespeare's Macbeth) a murdered thane whose ghost appears to Macbeth.
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References in classic literature ?
She would have been a spectre spoiling the joy of the festival for him, just as Banquo's ghost did that of Macbeth.
Mr Merdle's default left a Banquo's chair at the table; but, if he had been there, he would have merely made the difference of Banquo in it, and consequently he was no loss.
The Manager always played BANQUO himself, his Wife my LADY MACBETH.
He had no business to come popping up again like Banquo's ghost.
"Your friend," Ernestine remarked, " seemed to come upon you like a modern Banquo!"
So that the bloody Banquo was not worthy to be compared to him.
He stared aghast at her for a minute, as Macbeth might on beholding Banquo's sudden appearance at his ball-supper, and remained looking at her with open mouth, when that horrid Major Loder pulled her away.
"Waiting for whom?" Bertuccio, without answering, pointed to Villefort with something of the gesture Macbeth uses to point out Banquo. "Oh, oh," he at length muttered, "do you see?"
Nutty looked at the monkey rather like an elongated Macbeth inspecting the ghost of Banquo. The monkey looked at Nutty.
"I do think THE WITCHES CURSE, an Operatic Tragedy is rather a nice thing, but I'd like to try McBETH, if we only had a trapdoor for Banquo. I always wanted to do the killing part.
Add pops of colour with the Artline Banquo prints from Timothy Oulton, right sure to get tongues wagging about various trips abroad, and you can arrange them in a variety of different formations.
We first encounter Macbeth (Greer Grimsley) and Banquo (Alfred Walker) on a battlefield strewn with dead bodies, on which the weird sisters, dressed like crows with gas masks growing from their heads, are feasting.