

abbreviation for
(Archaeology) archaeology
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
VITHARANA, Evaluating the multiple coil configurations of the EM38DD and DUALEM-21S sensors to detect archaeological anomalies, Archaeol. Prospect., 16 (2009), pp.
'An inscription from Cramond and the Matres Campestres.' Glasgow Archaeol. Journal 4:108-110 = Birley 1988:433-435.
Linford, "Stepped frequency ground-penetrating radar survey with a multi-element array antenna: Results from field application on archaeological sites," Archaeol. Prospect., Vol.
(2001): "Executive functions of the frontal lobes and the evolutionary ascendancy of Horno sapiens", Cambridge Archaeol. Journal, 11, pp.
The caption to Figure 2 of Simon Haberle's paper (Archaeol. Oceania 38 (2003) 152) should read as follows:
Archaeol. Jl, xl (1959-62), 660; Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, FEL 915, fo.
(43) Frank O'Gorman, `The Election of 1784 in Chester', Jl Cheshire Archaeol. Soc., lvii (1970-1), 47-51.
Rev., xxix (1981); also his `The Complexity of Manorial Structure in Medieval Norfolk: A Case Study', Norfolk Archaeol., xxxix (1986); also his `Extent and Layout of Commonfields'.