Archaeopteryx lithographica

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Related to Archaeopteryx lithographica: Urvogel
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Archaeopteryx lithographica - extinct primitive toothed bird of the Jurassic period having a long feathered tail and hollow bonesArchaeopteryx lithographica - extinct primitive toothed bird of the Jurassic period having a long feathered tail and hollow bones; usually considered the most primitive of all birds
bird - warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
genus Archaeopteryx, genus Archeopteryx - a genus of fossil birds
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References in periodicals archive ?
The dynamics of flight can be explored through a large-scale media interactive called "Will It Fly?" By varying the wings, breastbone, and body size, visitors can build eight different dinosaurs, ranging from Archaeopteryx lithographica, often called the "first bird," to Velociraptor mongoliensis, and digitally launch them to see whether they will fly.
The new research looked at the dinosaur Anchiornis huxleyi and the Jurassic bird Archaeopteryx lithographica. The latter is 155 million years old and widely considered to be the earliest known bird, presenting a combination of dinosaur and bird characteristics.