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relating to or involving the order Archaea
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Others discuss shelterin-mediated telomere protection, the genetic basis of C4 Kranz anatomy, brain aging and age-related neurodegenerative diseases, chromosome dynamics in response to DNA damage, ribosome hibernation, chemical modifications in the lifecycle of mRNA transcripts, calcium channelopathies and disorders of the muscle excitation-contraction complex, somatic mutagenesis in mammals and its implications for human disease and aging, crop quantitative genomics, phage-encoded anti-CRISPR (clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromic repeat) defenses, unique archaeal small RNAs, behavioral epigenetics in eusocial insects, mitonuclear coregulation, X-chromosome inactivation, and immunoglobin-like receptors and their impact on wiring of brain synapses.
They found out that approximately all archaeal genomes, as well as CRISPR nucleases, were highly diverse.
The 16S rRNA gene sequences from cultured methanogens only account for approximately 0.7% of the total archaeal sequences of rumen origin, and several taxa have no single cultured representative [3].
One such project, led by researchers from Montana State University, in Bozeman, Montana, led to the discovery of a completely new archaeal lineage in the geochemically diverse thermal features of the Yellowstone National Park.
Increasing numbers of investigations have indicated that the archaeal amoA gene is ubiquitous in waters, sediments, coral reefs, and soils of various environmental conditions (Beman et al.
Amplicons classified as mitochondrial, chloroplast, Archaeal, eukaryotic, or unknown in origin were removed from the dataset.
In this context, a recent study based on metagenomic data has shown that about 10% of environmental bacterial or archaeal sequences might not be recovered when using a targeted PCR survey with the most common primers for SSU rRNA [37].
In the anaerobic reactor where hydrogen partial pressure is usually sufficiently low for syntrophic growth ((2) + (3)/(4)), the corresponding bacterial and archaeal populations can interact closely in a complex manner in the sludge consortia [10, 11].