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Related to apodyterium: Frigidarium, Caldarium, palaestra, Tepidarium, Palæstra


the changing room in an ancient Roman bathhouse
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on Thursday provided Jordan a $99,700 grant to restore and protect the early 8th century Apodyterium at Qusayr Amra as part of the U.S.
The date of the regiment's presence at Carvoran is supplied by a dedication to 'Imperial Fortune' by its commander, RIB 1.1778, an altar found in 1831, in the apodyterium of the bath-house inside the south-west angle of the fort: Fortunae Aug(ustae) pro salute L.
Now consider the words tossed at the bee's 2009 finalists, all 12- and 13-year-olds: Laodicean, Maecenas, menhir, apodyterium, herniorrhaphy.
Se constatan en el apodyterium (termas masculinas del foro de Herculano, villa San Marco de Stabiae), frigidarium (villa de Boscoreale, termas del Pequeno Gimnasio de Pergamo), caldarium (termas de los Cisiarii de Ostia, termas femeninas de Stabiae, termas suburbanas de Herculano, villa de Settefinestre, villa de Boscoreale, Heerlen) y palestra (termas del foro de Pompeya) (Ambrogi, 2005: 54-55).
The moment he crossed the threshold, his thoughts in the apodyterium focused on their concerns.
The apodyterium, which is the largest room of the baths, is the changing room; it sometimes includes the entrance, and the walls there have niches in which bathers prepare themselves for the bath.
Los locales destinados a ello derivan directamente de las termae romanas, que estaban compuestas de seis salas: apodyterium, laconicum, caldarium, frigidarium, tepidarium y unctuarium (5), a las que se podian anadir una palestra o un gimnasio adosado.
Clark's analysis of a series of erotic paintings in the apodyterium (dressing room) at the Suburban baths at Pompeii has a natural advantage in this arena since, unlike the Spada Reliefs, his cycle of images remains in its original location.
III d.C., segun parecen indicar los rasgos del mosaico del apodyterium; 2) la segunda viene representada por los materiales arqueologicos recuperados de los niveles de destruccion, que vienen a ofrecer para el abandono de la construccion termal una fecha muy tardia, el s.