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Related to apocalypticism: eschatology, Sanhedrin, Parousia, Gentiles


Belief in apocalyptic prophecies, especially regarding the imminent destruction of the world and the foundation of a new world order as a result of the triumph of good over evil.

a·poc′a·lyp′ti·cist n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(əˌpɒkəˈlɪptɪsɪzəm) or


the belief in apocalyptic prophecy
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Theology. 1. any doctrine concerning the end of the temporal world, especially one based on the Revelations of St. John the Divine.
2. the millennial doctrine of the Second Advent and the reign of Jesus Christ on earth. — apocalyptic, apocalyptical, adj.
See also: Religion
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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He covers philosophy, political theology, and the end of the world; implicit political theology: reading Hegel's philosophy of religion; spiritual disinvestment: Taubes, Hegel, and apocalypticism; plastic apocalypticism; and pessimism and hope in apocalyptic living.
To date, there has been no scholarly study of Indonesian apocalypticism, though there is an increasingly rich literature on eschatology and Islamism in other parts of the world.
This perspective is inspired by the themes of Christian apocalypticism. I will contrast this vision of A.I.
In doing so, it shows how the challenges to Baptist beliefs brought about by the rise of the Quakers and Fifth Monarchists helped the General Baptists move from a reactionary apocalypticism to the more robust and cautious Millenarian eschatology expressed in the Standard Confession.
"Three Abecedaria" are for high school students (especially juniors and seniors) who may want to increase their vocabularies--"A is for Apocalypticism; B is for Benediction; C is for Cogito ergo sum," etc.
Apocalypticism, generally understood as a "belief that God has revealed the imminent end of the ongoing struggle between good and evil in history," (6) became a topic of study across academic disciplines.
Although each of these correspondences could be illustrated at length, particular attention will be paid to the sense of imminence because it is here that apocalypticism is most apparent.
Gorski maintains that this dichotomy "has arisen in part because both sides have been supported by vocal and well-organized minorities," and they serve, in effect, as each other's foil: "each tradition strongly confirms the other's prejudices." The two sides, then, crowd out the middle ground of Gorski's civil religion, which rejects the "conquest narrative" and apocalypticism of the religious nationalists as well as the total separation of religion and politics he says the "radical secularists" demand.
Goertz also is correct in minimizing the importance of Taborite apocalypticism or of an independent role of the "Zwickau Prophets" in Muntzer's Zwickau ministry.
Netzley exhibits ill-concealed contempt for religious interpretations of the "end times," indeed for Protestants themselves: "Milton's and Marvell's appropriation of Reformation apocalypticism does not represent the naive hope of the optimistic or the resentful despair of the failed revolutionary.
At the same time this novel underplays the hysteria and delusion of rampant Apocalypticism in many forms of Judaism at that time.