
Also found in: Medical.


1. (Pathology) of or relating to apneusis
2. (Zoology) (of certain animals) having no specialized organs for respiration
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[22] as follows: larvae aquatic and apneustic (no open spiracles) so respiration is epidermal, often by filamentous abdominal gills; larval tentorium reduced; larval antennae greatly reduced; larval abdominal segments 1-9 are without ventral prolegs; larval abdominal segment 9 is with dorsal tergite.
Initially sensors are mounted on patient's rib cage and abdomen and this sensors detects various types of breath disorders such as Bradypnea, Tachypnea, Kussmaul, Cheyn-stokes, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), Biot's breathing, Sighing and Apneustic. Sensed data streams are dividing into Fixed-size Nonoverlapping Window (FNSW) and Fixed-size Overlapping Window (FOSW).
These include Cheyne Stokes (bilateral cerebral hemisphere injury), hyperventilation (midbrain injury), apneustic (cephalad pons injury), cluster (caudal pons/cephalad medulla injury), and ataxic (medullary injury) breathing patterns [5, 6].