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Related to Apocynaceae: Asclepiadaceae, Gentianales
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Noun1.Apocynaceae - chiefly tropical trees or shrubs or herbs having milky juice and often showy flowersApocynaceae - chiefly tropical trees or shrubs or herbs having milky juice and often showy flowers; many are sources of drugs
dicot family, magnoliopsid family - family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination
Apocynum, genus Apocynum - perennial herbs with small pink or white flowers
Acocanthera, Acokanthera, genus Acocanthera, genus Acokanthera - small genus of trees and shrubs containing strongly toxic cardiac glycosides; Arabia to Africa
Adenium, genus Adenium - one species: succulent shrub or tree of tropical Africa and Arabia
genus Allamanda - genus of tropical American woody vines
Alstonia, genus Alstonia - genus of evergreen trees or shrubs with white funnel-shaped flowers and milky sap; tropical Africa to southeastern Asia and Polynesia
Amsonia, genus Amsonia - genus of herbs and subshrubs with milky juice and showy bluish flowers; Europe to Asia Minor to Japan and North America
Beaumontia, genus Beaumontia - small genus of evergreen woody vines in the East Indies and Asia
genus Carissa - Old World genus of tropical evergreen usually spiny shrubs
Catharanthus, genus Catharanthus - small genus of erect annual or perennial herbs native to Madagascar; widely naturalized in the tropics; formerly included in genus Vinca
genus Holarrhena, Holarrhena - genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of tropical Africa and Asia
Dipladenia, genus Dipladenia, genus Mandevilla, Mandevilla - genus of tropical South American tuberous perennial woody vines with large racemose flowers and milky sap
genus Nerium, Nerium - one species: oleander
genus Plumeria, Plumeria, Plumiera - deciduous shrubs and trees of tropical America having branches like candelabra and fragrant white or pink flowers
genus Rauvolfia, genus Rauwolfia - pantropical genus of somewhat poisonous shrubs and small trees
genus Strophanthus - genus of tropical Asiatic and African shrubs and woody vines and small trees
genus Tabernaemontana, Tabernaemontana - evergreen tropical trees and shrubs with milky sap
genus Thevetia, Thevetia - genus of poisonous tropical American evergreen shrubs and trees having entire leaves and large cymose flowers
genus Trachelospermum, Trachelospermum - genus of Asiatic woody vines with milky sap in leaves and stems
genus Vinca, Vinca - periwinkles: low creeping evergreen perennials
Gentianales, order Gentianales - an order of dicotyledonous plants having gamopetalous flowers; Gentianaceae; Apocynaceae; Asclepiadaceae; Loganiaceae; Oleaceae; Salvadoraceae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Dispersal of Stemmadenia donnell-smithii (Apocynaceae) by birds, Biotropica 9:9-25.
It is its caterpillar that accumulates these active substances, feeding directly from Asclepiadaceae as well as Apocynaceae. It is thus that the latex from Asclepias is converted into Danae's weapon.
[USPRwire, Fri Aug 16 2019] Market outlook: Caralluma Extract Caralluma fimbriata commonly known as the cactus is a succulent plant of India belonging to the Apocynaceae family.
Thevetia peruviana) (Apocynaceae), es una especie arborea ornamental originaria de Mexico (Juarez-Jaimes, Alvarado-Cardenas, & Villasenor, 2007), ampliamente utilizada en arbolado urbano, parques y areas verdes, que con frecuencia sufre defoliaciones producidas por Palpita flegia (Cramer, 1777) (Lepidoptera, Crambidae).
[ClickPress, Mon Nov 26 2018] Caralluma fimbriata commonly known as the cactus is a succulent plant of India belonging to the Apocynaceae family.
Qaiser, Apocynaceae in Flora of Pakistan, University of Karachi, 11 (1983).
Plant families with the highest number of species were Poaceae (32 species); Asteraceae (26); Fabaceae (12); Cyperaceae (10); Crassulaceae and Solanaceae (five species each); Apiaceae, Asphodelaceae, Celastraceae, Rosaceae, and Rubiaceae (four species each); Amaranthaceae, Anacardiaceae, Apocynaceae, Lamiaceae, Myrtaceae, Polygonaceae, Sterculiaceae, and Vitaceae (three species each) (Table 2).
Catharanthus roseus is an important medicinal plant of family Apocynaceae. It is cultivated mainly for its alkaloids, which are having anticancer effects (Jaleel et al., 2009).Catharanthus roseus, a perennial tropical tree-plant of associates Apocynaceae, produces a high number of monoterpenoidindole alkaloids of which two dimeric alkaloids, vincristine, and vinblastine are clinically useful oncolytic drugs (Cordell 1980).
Keller (Apocynaceae), Hyptis australis Epling (Lamiacee), Mesosetum comatum Swallen (Poaceae), Oxypetalum teyucuarense Farinaccio & Keller (Apocynaceae) y Lessingianthus teyucuarensis (Cabrera) H.