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Related to air-layering: simple layering, Marcotting


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A method of propagation where the stem of a plant is wounded and packed with sphagnum moss which is kept moist by wrapping in polythene. After rooting, the stem can be severed and potted up.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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Softwood cuttings, leaf cuttings, air-layering, cane cuttings and division may all be done in spring.
It also takes longer than air-layering or cutting as grafting needs to start with preparing seedlings of the rootstock, which takes around a year from seed sowing to when seedlings are ready to use.
'But you can also make it from a cutting, air-layering on a large tree or selecting a plant from the nursery,' he said.
Asexual propagation methods include cutting, budding, grafting and air-layering (Wilson, 1920).
Such techniques include cuttings, air-layering, budding, and grafting.
If the branch will not reach the ground, the method to use is air-layering. The old way of doing that was to nick the branch and bind compost round it, but it is much quicker and easier with the new Rooter-Pot, which holds compost in position and clips round the branch.