

interested in or promoting aviation or aircraft
ˈair-ˌmindedness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(5) It may seem surprising then, that at the peak of Western society's excitement over aviation, both images were embraced by the so-called "air-minded" public.
As described by Squadron Leader Liz Green RAFAC, Durham/ Northumberland Wing Media Officer, today's organisation is quite different, having evolved into a modern, dynamic, air-minded youth organisation that offers fun and challenging opportunities - an active alternative to other interests.
As described by Squadron Leader Liz Green RAFAC, Durham/Northumberland Wing Media Officer, today's organisation is quite different, having evolved into a modern, dynamic, air-minded youth organisation that offers fun and challenging opportunities -- an active alternative to other interests.
For more on cities and airplanes, see Sonja Duempelmann, 'Between Science and Aesthetics: Aspects of "Air-Minded" Landscape Architecture, Landscape Journal, 29:2 (2010), 161-78; Jeanne Haffner, The View from Above: the Science of Social Space (Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 2013).
(2) Given his forceful belief that the future security of the United States would require significant and deliberate attention to the development of airpower, he rationally concluded that to fulfill such an important requirement, airpower must be organized, resourced, and led by air-minded thinkers (airmen).
Fans who like to see the football in the air will love tonight's homecoming contest between air-minded Washington State and No.
Without a strong commitment to a flying program, it is hard to see how the institution really inculcates the values, perspectives, and attitudes of an air-minded leader any better than West Point did.
Innovation is a competency that we must continue to nurture as a potent mechanism against uncertainty--and, it is part of our Air-minded, American heritage to do so.
There was no organisation for air-minded girls and so the Women's Junior Air Corps was formed.
This brief study of the earliest American Airmen and their influence on the development of an air-minded culture is a work in progress.
"The music of new times stood above us in the heavens," an air-minded German novelist wrote in 1914; "the song of the future roared confidently; a new world had been born of a different kind and a different form." Those who truly believed in aviation knew that life would never be the same again.
is not limited to airpower capabilities," but, "equally or more important is the Airman's unique way of thinking." A joint doctrine, including an air-minded perspective, must emerge to fight unconventional war.