air layering

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Related to air layering: grafting

air layering

A method of propagating plants by wounding a branch, applying a hormone to the wound, wrapping the branch with damp sphagnum moss and clear plastic to encourage root formation, and finally removing the rooted branch as an independent plant.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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To reduce the juvenility time and maintain mother plant characteristics by cloning, the production of 'Jabuticaba' tree can also be done by grafting or air layering.
Packaging type, time and indol-butiric acid in the jabuticabafrui tree [Pliniacauliflora (dc.) kausel] propagation by air layering. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, Jaboticabal, v.
One of the methods that already presented such resuLts, but with another species of the same family and with the same problems of obtaining clones was with the air layering technique in 'jabuticabeira' (Danner et al., 2006; Sasso et al., 2010; Cassol, 2013).
The technique of air layering removes a ring of the phloem layer and interrupts the flow of sugars and photosynthates, that congregate there.
You could try propagating it by air layering. Remove leaves along the stem about 30cm below the soft tip, then make a sloping cut towards the stem centre with a knife.
Or try air layering, slicing into the side of the stem, holding it apart with a matchstick and surrounding the incision with damp moss sealed with a plastic bag.
Azeem Khan, more than 600,000 cuttings and air layering were practiced for propagation purpose.Of which 20% of these cuttings will be saplings after two years.
He said more than 600,000 cuttings and air layering were
Certain propagation techniques like air layering rooting cutting and stooling are tried in fruit plants to increase their productivity but these techniques are still not commercially viable due to varying rate of success absence of tap root system and cumbersome process.
An experiment was conducted to evaluate asexual propagation of olive cultivars through air layering. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with split plot arrangements having four replications.