

Online advertisements that entertain the viewer at the same time as displaying marketing material. Advertainment is usually interactive.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited


nunterhaltende Werbung, Advertainment nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
-tainment [left arrow] (enter)tainment in docutainment [1978] OED2, infotainment [1980] OED3, edutainment [1983] OED2, advertainment [2004] COCA).
Pablo Viana (2016) resgata de forma ampla a evolucao da comunicacao de marca, buscando em particular definir os conceitos utilizados para identificar o processo de integracao do discurso publicitario aos conteudos, fixando-se sobretudo nos de Product Placement, Branded Content e Advertainment.
(122) See generally Lemi Baruh, "Publicized Intimacies on Reality Television: An Analysis of Voyeuristic Content and its Contribution to the Appeal of Reality Programming" (2009) 53:2 J Broadcasting & Electronic Media 190; June Deery, "Reality TV as Advertainment" (2004) 2:1 Popular Communication 1.
Downright classy after seeing that other dude 's deodorant advertainment
ASQUITH, Kyle and HEARN, Alison (2012): "Promotional prime time: 'advertainment', internal network promotion, and the future of Canadian television".
(8) June Deery, 'Reality TV as Advertainment', Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media Culture, vol.
Aron Levitz, business development head of Wattpad, refuses to call it advertorial and instead coins a new term right during the interview and comes up with advertainment or advertising and entertainment.
Professor Bosshart's interests include the ever expanding circle of entertainment, such as we find in its various hybrid forms: edutainment, infotainment, advertainment, politainment, and other such combinations of education, information, advertising, politics, religion, sports, and military affairs with entertainment.