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 (ăd-vûrs′, ăd′vûrs′)
1. Acting or serving to oppose; antagonistic: adverse criticism.
2. Contrary to one's interests or welfare; harmful or unfavorable: adverse circumstances.
3. Moving in an opposite or opposing direction: adverse currents.

[Middle English, from Old French advers, from Latin adversus, past participle of advertere, to turn toward : ad-, ad- + vertere, to turn; see wer- in Indo-European roots.]

ad·verse′ly adv.
ad·verse′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Bersamin, who was then an associate justice, said: "What we need is an actual case and controversy and that requires an adverse party, and yet you say nothing has been denied to you by the respondent, so where would this adverseness come from?" As the court ruled on the petition, the tribunal also held Falcis, and his fellow petitioners, lawyers Darwin Angeles, Keisha Trina Guangko and Christopher Ryan Maranan for indirect contempt.
'adverseness' necessary to resolving the removal question is
(155) All three of these factors (that is, the adverseness of any effects, sustainability, and climate change) will be mandatory considerations as part of the government's "public interest" determination with respect to a given project, which must be accompanied by a set of reasons that demonstrates their consideration in the decision-making process.
advent of injury in fact: "concrete adverseness" between
A survey by Tsukuba University of 527 public and private universities in Japan in 2003 found that 44 had established entrepreneurship education programs (a ratio of 8.3%) and 236 (44.8%) had introduced lectures on entrepreneurship training (Teruo Shinato, Katsuyuki Kamei, and Lo-Paul Dana, "Entrepreneurship Education in Japanese Uuniversities - How Do We Train for Risk Taking in a Culture of Risk Adverseness?" International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2013, vol.
186, 204 (1962) (Parties must have "such a personal stake in the outcome of the controversy as to assure that concrete adverseness which sharpens the presentation of issues upon which the court so largely depends for illumination of difficult constitutional questions.").
The policy considerations that animate the usual limitations on third-party standing--in particular, worries about unnecessary judicial decisions and lack of concrete adverseness (287)--had no application in the case at hand.
However, especially in a young democracy, the adverseness between the legislative and executive bodies can possibly harden to lead to a deadlock because of the inability of the President to annul the Congress, and the inability of the Congress to annul the President and remove the cabinet members.
2014) ("The judge asked to approve the settlement of a class action is not to assume the passive role that is appropriate when there is genuine adverseness between the parties rather than the conflict of interest recognized and discussed in many previous class action cases, and present in this case"); Eubank v.
Standing "has a separation-of-powers component, which keeps courts within certain traditional bounds vis-a-vis the other branches, concrete adverseness or not." Id.