acid salt

(redirected from acid salts)
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Related to acid salts: Basic salt

acid salt

(Chemistry) chem a salt formed by partial replacement of the acidic hydrogen atoms of the parent acid
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References in periodicals archive ?
In bile, mixed micelle formation with cholesterol, phospholipids, bile pigments, proteins, and inorganic electrolytes protects cholangiocytes from the toxic detergent effect of bile acid salts. Dysfunction of MDR3/ABCB4 has been associated with cholestasis, presumably via inhibition of micelle formation, releasing free bile acids salts in bile (Vree et al.
SAN DIEGO -- Bile acid salts in the stool may be a potential biomarker for recurrent episodes of Clostridium difficile infection, according to a preliminary study.
A: Kidney stones occur when tiny crystals in the urine made of mineral and acid salts stick together to form stones.
The anti-Salmonella activity of organic acid salts has been studied in food products and poultry feed, but rarely in combination with nonchemical treatments.
Solution of alginic acid salts exhibits stability at a pH between 5 and 10 at room temperature for a long time (Fig.
La Mesa, "Supra-molecular association and polymorphic behaviour in systems containing bile acid salts," Molecules, vol.
Studies on the effect of MAP in combination with additives mixture including natural additives and organic acid salts on the quality of pre-cooked meat products are still limited.
Commercially, gluconic acid salts are produced by three different methods; 1- Electrolytic oxidation of glucose containing a measured amount of bromide (Ambekaret al., 1965) 2- Chemical oxidation of glucose with a hypo-chlorite solution (Kundu and Das, 1984) 3- Fermentation process where specific microorganism are grown in medium containing other ingredients (Hill and Robinson, 1988).