acid stomach

Related to acid stomach: dyspepsia

acid stomach

The effect of a surplus of digestive juices in the stomach.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
References in periodicals archive ?
Modern herbalists recommend Agrimony for acid stomach, indigestion, debility of the liver, gall bladder stimulation and disorders, nose-bleed, incontinence, infantile bed-wetting, diarrhoea and promotion of the gastric juices.
We have been told that salmonella and campylobacter don't affect dogs, as the bugs are destroyed in the acid stomach.
The researchers believe a protective layer of sugars called exopolysaccharides, that protects the bacteria against acid stomach juices, could lie behind its powers.
Fly baby, go on, you know how Stop fretin' you mine wid dey trouble We watchin' ova you whilst you sleep Tell yo stories to ones that need Leave dem no accounts to they failins We see they got you to walk Carry some soda for that acid stomach
Gastritis: Fresh cucumber juice can provide relief from heartburn, acid stomach, gastritis and even ulcer.
We've evolved so that our acid stomach and alkaline intestine means we can digest starches and proteins at the same time.
If you have acid stomach, it's reasonable to give Ester-C or any other calcium-ascorbate formula a try.
I HAVE always enjoyed good health until the last few months, when I started having digestive problems, acid stomach and a lot of rheumatic aches and pains.
Since protein and fats are slow to leave the stomach and can create an acid stomach, they also fit in this category.
"In the end we got fed up with all the champagne and I was getting an acid stomach and all I wanted was to have a pint of beer.
So the original drug had to be taken with a powerful antacid to protect it--which had other disadvantages, including causing diarrhea in some patients, and preventing absorption of certain other drugs which require an acid stomach to work properly.