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n. Vulgar Slang
1. The anus.
2. A contemptible or detestable person.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"He comes across as an arrogant a-hole who was full of hot air and not someone who had to fight triple as hard as any of those people did to accomplish what was naturally given to so many others," People quoted her as saying during an interview with The Wrap in July.
And it's me who's been the total A-Hole. And it really hurt my family, what I did with Facebook."
1 also know our pediatrician was an a-hole, but that's for another story.
The three expletives were expected to differ significantly from one another, with the word a-hole predicted to be least offensive, the f-word as moderately offensive, and the n-word as most offensive.
Alcorn, who admitted to being one of the drunks, if not a total a-hole, was yelling at someone for cutting into the line.
I just didn't want to be on the set with someone who was an a-hole and screams at me."
A1 boy's not an A-grade A-hole, but viewers still aren't sure who he is.
Gyo contains grotesque imagery, profanity (a-hole and s-bomb) and semi-nudity (Kaori topless in the shower) and is recommended for graphic novel collections where horror is popular.
The 'a-hole' word only puts the excellent and essential anus in further disrepute....