Ai Weiwei

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Ai Weiwei

(aɪ ˈweɪweɪ)
(Biography) born 1957, Chinese multimedia artist and political activist. His works include Sunflower Seeds (2010), in which the floor of Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall was covered with millions of tiny porcelain replicas of sunflower seeds
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Coventry is a commissioning partner on Fly the Flag, a new commission by internationally renowned artist Ai Weiwei who has created a new flag to mark the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The flag, which was designed by artist and activist Ai Weiwei, proudly hangs over the Edmund Gardner ship, just outside the Museum of Liverpool.
For one night only, you can travel through 23 countries, free of charge, during the Cyprus premiere of renowned artist Ai Weiwei's new film, Human Flow.
The workshops, which take place from 9am to 2pm and from 8pm to 11pm, complement the Laundromat exhibition currently showing at the Fire Station by international artist and activist Ai Weiwei. Selected artworks created in these workshops will be exhibited at the Fire Station reception area on Thursday and Friday (March 31-June 1).
1 / 2 This precious blue book is a compilation of famed Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's (pictured) thoughts.
Renowned Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's Laundromat exhibition opened yesterday in Doha, displaying some 2,046 items of clothing, a wallpaper of 17,062 pictures relating to refugees and meticulously arranged shoes.
THE DISSIDENT CHINESE ARTIST Ai Weiwei's immensely ambitious new documentary explores the world's refugee problem by traveling to various hot spots and displaced person camps--from the shores of Greece, to Eastern Turkey, to Myanmar, to Palestine, and beyond.
Chinese artist Ai Weiwei first began work on his powerful refugee documentary using his smartphone camera, until he was joined by a German producer.
Directed and produced by filmmaker Ai Weiwei, the film tackles the severity of the refugee crisis globally and its impact on individuals spanning across 23 countries.