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Ahura Mazda's adversary, the chief spirit of darkness and evil in Zoroastrianism.

[Persian ahriman, from Middle Persian ahraman, from Avestan angrō mainiiuš, the evil spirit : angra-, evil + mainiiuš, spirit; see men- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Other Non-Christian Religions) Zoroastrianism the supreme evil spirit and diabolical opponent of Ormazd
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Ahriman - the spirit of evil in Zoroastrianism; arch rival of Ormazd
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References in periodicals archive ?
In the reliefs depicting the coronation of Ardashir I and Shapur I, Ahriman is seen as the enemy of the mounted kings; the kings are represented by Ahuramazda himself.
The theology is fundamentally dualistic in that the course of the universe is understood as a relentless struggle between Ormuzd (Ahura Mazda), the principle of light and goodness, and Ahriman (Angra Mainyu), the spirit of evil and darkness.
He demands young people as sacrifices for his two serpents and sets up a cruel regime under the influence of the malevolent spirit Ahriman.
Yet Minoo is also living a fantastic, sword-and-sorcery adventure in a mystic rendition of ancient Persia, where she and the man she loves battle the evil monsters of Ahriman. The art shifts significantly with the juxtaposed stories, tracing stark, simple lines to portray the modern-day world, while enhancing the fantasy world with rich shading.
(Ahura Mazda's cosmogonic act of throwing Ahriman or Angra Mainyu from the precosmogonic abyss the latter was inhabiting into hell, where he was to stay for the same duration of three thousand years, in the Persian myth, is possibly a source of inspiration here).
Finally, unlike Zoroastrianism's Ahriman. Satan is not inherently evil.
This terrifying figure, displayed in many surviving mithraea, has been identified with the Greek Kronos and Egyptian Kore, the god of time, but in several mithraea, this idol is captioned "Deus Arimanius." Arimanius is the Latin form of Persian Ahriman, meaning "evil spirit." Ahriman was the Satan of Zoroastrianism, and his presence in Mithraic sancta speaks volumes about the real nature of this mystery cult.
The Ahriman Gate is a novel about a nightmarish scenario of shadow governmental secrets, ghastly genetic manipulation, and the brink of discoveries that could spell the end of the world.
If there is evil in the world, it is, in some religions, the work of an evil deity - Ahriman, Satan, Asmodeus, Loki - but in other religions, it is the product of evil desires in human beings.
But Ormazd's twin brother Ahriman, who represents the spirit of darkness and evil, continually wars against the light.