social networking site

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social networking site

(Communications & Information) a website that allows subscribers to interact, typically by requesting that others add them to their visible list of contacts, by forming or joining sub-groups based around shared interests, or publishing content so that a specified group of subscribers can access it
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Their projects explored areas relating to QCRI's specialisations including data analytics, social computing, smart cities and their applications in Qatar.
For contributions in feature selection for data mining and knowledge discovery and in social computing
From a June 2018 international conference in Riga, Latvia, 39 papers, revised from their presentations, consider conceptual modeling, knowledge and information modeling and discovery, linguistic modeling, cross-cultural communication and social computing, environmental modeling and engineering, and multimedia data modeling and systems.
QCRI's AI research in the areas of Arabic language technologies, data analytics, distributed systems, cyber security and social computing, has won numerous international awards and been published in some of the world's most prestigious academic journals.
Applications of digital technologies and social computing are fundamental electronic planning solutions not only in institutions of higher learning but also information and knowledge based organizations.
The study, "Boundary Negotiating Artifacts in Personal Informatics: Patient-Provider Collaboration with Patient-Generated Data," won a best paper award and was presented in March at the Association for Computing Machinery's conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing in San Francisco.
Research papers were invited in the areas of artificial intelligence, robotics, social computing, wireless sensor networks, e-learning, computational science and other emerging topics.
This year's conference theme is Innovative, Smart and Social technologies.Research papers were invited in the areas of artificial intelligence, robotics, social computing, wireless sensor networks, e-learning, computational science and other emerging topics.
Content developers are tapping social computing tools for marketing, branding, recruitment, and wide-ranging knowledge management initiatives.

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