Social Education Centre

Social Education Centre

(Social Welfare) a daycentre, run by a local authority, for people with learning disabilities and sometimes also for people who have physical disabilities or are mentally ill
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(Philippines), Moroccan Family Planning Association (Morocco), Naripokkho (Bangladesh), Rural Women's Social Education Centre (India), Society for Health Education (Maldives), Shirkat Gah (Pakistan), Sisters in Islam (Malaysia), Women and Media Collective (Sri Lanka), and Yayasan Kesehatan Perempuan/Women's Health Foundation (Indonesia).
The appeal was launched by the parents, staff and students association of the Huddersfield Social Education Centre for disabled children.
Mariam Salem, Director of Social Education Centre for Girls in Sharjah, said the centre, a subsidiary of the Ministry of Social Affairs, provides female juvenile offenders with shelter and livelihood.
Spokane, WA, July 30, 2014 --( After searching the world for great faith-based humanitarians, Gonzaga University announces three finalists for the 2014 Opus Prize ( Sister Tesa Fitzgerald of Hour Children, Queens, New York; Gollapalli Israel, of the Janodayam Social Education Centre in Chennai, India; and Rev.
Ryan's road to Olympic glory started when he joined the Eagers Special Olympic Ski Club at Appleby Social Education Centre in Armagh in the mid-1990s.
Fairfield Home, Butler Crescent, Exhall, change of use from house to social education centre (Warwickshire County Council);
"We felt we could go one better than that and were delighted when our Charitable Foundation agreed to donate the full cost of the pool!" YPAT offers summer play schemes and a variety of after school clubs at its base at Ravensthorpe Social Education Centre and other venues in the area.
1 Willow Road, Camp Hill, Nuneaton, change of use from residential to a social education centre for people with learning difficulties (Warwickshire County Council);
"She had so much love to give and if everyone was more like her then the world would be a better place." Christine was educated at Meltham Primary School before moving on to Turnshaws School in Kirkburton and then to Kirkburton Social Education Centre.
Nigel Spence, a care assistant at the Social Education Centre in Leamington, was picketing outside Shire Hall in Warwick this morning and said today's strike was to be the first of many.
Rugby Town Hall was being run with no switchboard or cashier service available while the Bloxham Social Education Centre - for people with learning difficulties - in Somers Road remained shut.
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