social dumping

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social dumping

(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) the practice of allowing employers to lower wages and reduce employees' benefits in order to attract and retain employment and investment
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This structure will aim to support co-operation between national agencies in the fight against some abuses that are conducive to social dumping, AFP said.The name of the city laureate will be announced on 13 June following a vote with the participation of the Member States, which is scheduled to be in Luxembourg.According to European institutions, nearly 17 million Europeans live or work in another EU country.
We are committed to the creation of a European Labour Authority empowered to combat social dumping and ensure fair labour mobility.
946 which seeks an inquiry on the so-called "social dumping" experienced by overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Europe.
946 which called for an inquiry on 'social dumping.'
The aim of the labour force mobility strategy is not to import cheap labour.The aim of the draft labour force mobility strategy is not to import cheap labour from abroad that would cause social dumping, Labour Minister Jan Richter (Smer) said after the Peter Pellegrini cabinet approved the material prepared by the Labour Ministry on Wednesday, October 10.Richter pointed out that the Slovak labour market has various specifics, including regional differences and the unemployed at labour offices often do not meet employers' demands from the point of view of their training and education.
What is required is a mechanism against "social dumping" that prevents poor labor practices in exporting countries from spilling over to the importing country.
To rescue his domestic norms, Rodrik argues for broadening the idea of fair trade "to include social dumping." The concept of "social dumping" has been used by the left as the social equivalent of ordinary "trade dumping," which is the selling of goods at prices deemed to be below cost.
This 'social dumping' was one of the issues the EU was meant to address.
"Think of the social chapter in Europe preventing a race to the bottom, preventing a dog-eat-dog competition between European nations vying with each other for the inward investment that's available by social dumping and by the lowering of standards.
Unite's spokesman Jimmy Kelly said: "This decision is an extreme case of 'social dumping' where employers seek to minimise costs through chasing lower cost alternatives.
RE: 'City could be social dumping ground', (Tel T -egraph, July 16).