
(redirected from Snicker Doodle)


A soft cookie that is made with flour, butter, sugar, and eggs and is rolled in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar before baking.

[Probably alteration of German Schneckennudel, cinnamon roll : Schnecke, snail (in reference to its coiled strips of dough) (from Middle High German snecke, snegge, from Old High German sneggo, sleggo; akin to Old English snægl, snail) + Nudel, noodle; see noodle1.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Toppings include: candy cane, brownie bites, snicker doodle, dark chocolate chips, milk chocolate chips or white chocolate chips, as well as mint, vanilla, raspberry or chocolate whipped cream.
The bride's elegant four-tiered cake featured almond, key lime, and snicker doodle flavors.
Several varieties of fresh-brewed coffee are served, as are classic coffee drinks like espresso, cappuccino and the namesake French press, along with creative inventions like the Dirty Banana, Snicker Doodle and Filthy Coconut.
For example, the Gold Butter Baking Mix includes recipes for pound cake, cupcakes, berry shortcakes, Boston cream pie and snicker doodle cookies.
In 2002, Lorraine Kaunispake, Lottie McPhee's owner operator, set about creating her own range which includes Bailey Boo Cappuccino, Toffeelicous and Snicker Doodle cupcakes.
Soon families can take advantage of the wonderfully tasteful and simple-to-make cookie product in gluten free snicker doodle, regular sugar cookie and holiday sugar cookie.
A fine Thursday in June, Main Street buzzing, O'Hanlon, a box of snicker doodles under his arm, Fleager in his wake, walked a gauntlet of encouragement from shoppers and strollers, loiterers and merchants.
Shipping everything from the flour to the shop decor from the United States, Lebanon's Magnolia serves up authentic homemade American classics: snicker doodles, banana pudding and blueberry jubilee.
"Pumpkin Party" with Amy VanDyke features Pumpkin Cream Cheese Truffles; Pumpkin Streusel Coffee Cake; Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls; and Pumpkin Cheesecake-Stuffed Snicker Doodles. $40.
From classics like Snicker Doodles, Brownies, Macaroons, and Peanut Butter Cookies, to exotic fare such as Florentines, Valentine Heart Cookies, Carnival Bars, and Almond Biscotti.