References in classic literature ?
Her little black nose went sniffle, sniffle, snuffle, and her eyes went twinkle, twinkle; and underneath her cap--where Lucie had yellow curls--that little person had PRICKLES!
TIGGY-WINKLE'S nose went sniffle, sniffle, snuffle, and her eyes went twinkle, twinkle; and she fetched another hot iron from the fire.
He has taken care not to blubber or sniffle, lest we should find out that he is crying.
And I have such a cold in the head -- I can do nothing but sniffle, sigh and sneeze.
Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating.
His eyes snapped vindictively, while his ears joyed in the sniffles she emitted.
It was ages since she had had a moment's conversation with her dearest Catherine; and, though she had such thousands of things to say to her, it appeared as if they were never to be together again; so, with sniffles of most exquisite misery, and the laughing eye of utter despondency, she bade her friend adieu and went on.
"In the sickness review we found if people had a sniffle, or didn't feel well, they might come into the office and spread their germs.
WICKED WHISPER Theresa May, already battling a sniffle, is avoiding the reception circuit and repeating the same speech of thanks to various parts of the country in order to save her voice for Wednesday.
Herget said his telemedicine company, Sniffle Health Inc., will launch an app by the end of the month that allows patients to communicate directly with their own doctors.
With such a cold right arm, I finally wound up with a sniffle and a chill.
A new analysis from a team at Queen Mary University of London, ( published Wednesday in the British Medical Journal , claims vitamin D supplements can help protect against respiratory infections 6 which include everything from a sniffle to the flu and pneumonia.