
Also found in: Acronyms, Wikipedia.
Related to Snet: CNET, Marn
n.1.The fat of a deer.
v. t.1.The clear of mucus; to blow.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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"The local administrator used other wireless equipment to connect to a general administrator that gave us total connectivity to SNET. That's how SNET works," he added.
Cuba prohibits the use of Wi-Fi equipment without a license from the Ministry of Communications, making SNet technically illegal.
SNET, a subsidiary of ENDESA (NYSE:ELE), has begun construction of the 10 MW capacity Ambon wind farm, situated in the gulf of Morbihan in the region of Brittany.
The supply network structure (SNET) includes the upstream supply chain for a company, including a variety of decisions related to outsourcing, supplier certification and rationalization of the supply base.
Meanwhile, as of Oct 5, the devastating rains continued to fall, and SNET geology director Carlos Pullinger said that the threat from Ilamatepec was not over.
Horizontal displacements of the points were determined in a local topocentric system using SNET software (Kontny, 1999).
The order to supply emissions control systems for several thermal power plants comes from EDF (Electricite de France) and Snet (an independent power producer).
Preliminary geometric analysis of relative position changes of points, determined with GPS technique, for the 2001-2002 period was done using SNET software (Kontny 1993).
The National Sports Festival is also supported by the Village Print Shop, Bristol Meyers-Squibb, the Tolland Fund, Inc., SNET Pioneers, Ohio Willow Wood, Hospital for Special Care, Banana Boat and Coca-Cola.