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1. (Elements & Compounds) silver
2. (Banking & Finance) money
(Elements & Compounds) silver
[a Scot variant of silver]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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So on the Silla of Caraccas the illustrious Humboldt long ago found species belonging to genera characteristic of the Cordillera.
It was the final straw for Silla Carron, who says: "I was taking my granddaughter to school - no fouryear-old should see that."
In other words, the ruling elite of the Silla period carried into the Goryeo period, and through the Joseon period.
Reyes died on the spot while Silla was brought to a hospital for treatment.
One such piece is the three-act Lucio Silla, which premiered at Milan's Teatro Regio Ducal in 1772.
"Despite the large amount of in-depth coverage we were providing, we couldn't compete," said Leon, the founder and director of La Silla Vacia.
"One of his best (showings) of the year was defending his title as USHA national 55 champ, and only the best team scored double digits off him," said Jim Silla as he introduced Stedman.