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(in Scotland) abbreviation for
(Education) Scottish Certificate of Education: either of two public examinations in specific subjects taken as school-leaving qualifications or as qualifying examinations for entry into a university, college, etc. See also higher2, O grade
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Peterman brings to SCE a distinguished career in public service, having served a six-year term on the commission from 2013-2018.
The SCE Group's offerings portfolio combines cybersecurity technologies and expertise, combined with a strategic consulting practice leveraging a well-developed scientific methodology, providing clients a unique approach to solving the challenges of cybersecurity, governance, risk, and compliance.
To mark the involvement of SCE, CityFibre's chief operating officer Simon Holden was joined earlier this month by Stirling Council Leader Scott Farmer and Stirling MP Stephen Kerr to see the progress.
Dr Mohammed Mubarak Bin Daina, chief executive of the SCE, explained that Ministerial Order Number (11) for the year 2019 with respect to the technical regulations for plastic products will come into effect on July 21, 2019.
HE the CE noted that the SCE will issue guidelines for manufacturers and suppliers on reducing plastic waste to ensure a smooth transition.
His Majesty's personal representative and SCE president Shaikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa said the council aims to strengthen its supervision.
While the cause of the wildfires are yet to be determined, a finding that SCE equipment was involved in igniting the fires could potentially expose the utility to third party liabilities under claims based on the theory of inverse condemnation or, if inverse is not applied by the Superior Court, negligence.
Al-Amoud, secretary general of SCE and Abdulaziz Daghestani, deputy general manager of Grundfos Saudi Arabia.
Penang governor Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas assented on December 6 to the formation of the SCE that will comprise Datuk Yeo Yang Poh, Datuk Gue See Sew and Prof Ramli Nasir as commissioners.
Spontaneous SCE and [gamma]H2AX formation has been observed in human cells where they are believed to be the result of endogenous DNA damage that causes collapsed replication forks and DNA double-stand breaks (DSBs) during mitosis.
The SCe 75 engine was previously available only on the Access and Ambiance trim levels.
The San Onofre plant was permanently retired by its owners, Southern California Edison, SCE, and San Diego Gas and Electric in 2013.