

1. The art of representing objects in perspective, especially as applied in the design and painting of theatrical scenery.
2. Visual design for theatrical productions, including such elements as sets, costumes, and lighting.

sce·nog′raph·er n.
sce′no·graph′ic (sē′nə-grăf′ĭk) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Their overall themes are scenography in and beyond the theater: aesthetics and episteme, the circulation of scenographic knowledge and cultural transfer, and rethinking scenography.
It was written and directed by Haifaa Al-Sanoussi, a professor of Literature at Kuwait University, and scenographic engineer Razan Al-Awda, as well as acted by Mohammad Akryamas, Taha Al-Zein and Ayoub Al-Masri.
The Netherlands, which over the past several PQs has rejected conventional scenographic display in inspired ways, captured this spirit perhaps better than any other country.
The showroom renewal project - led by the German designer Jeannette Altherr EoACAo is centred on the creation of a live space, full of color, textures, and scenographic resources that convey the essence and quality of Andreu WorldEoACAOs products.
of London) carefully considers the role of acting within its social contexts as well as pure performance, covering such topics as the theories of Stanislavsky, Strasberg and Chekhov on acting as psychological truth, Appia's work on the actor as a scenographic instrument, the element of improvisation and games of Copeau, the political theater of Brecht, the exploration of self of Artaud and Grotowski and the concept of theater as cultural exchange expressed by Brook and Barba.
It is a recurring paradox--how to be modern and yet 'return to the sources'; how to reconcile intuitive wisdom with the blaring, shifting, scenographic dislocation of contemporary culture.
Starting in the '80s, after Charlier became an instructor at the Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Liege, enormous figurative paintings, regressive arrangements with sculpted figurines and nineteenth-century frames, fake Cubist and Futurist works, and scenographic arrangements accumulate with a formal aggressiveness that cuts short any possibility of pleasure.
The idea of a vast abyss gaping to the center of the Earth, as Dante describes in "Inferno," is beautifully realized through the highly effective scenographic solutions created by Claudio Parmiggiani.
If theater history is viewed through a scenographic lens, considering in particular the place of the spectator within the spatial organization of the mise-en-sceene, Aronson says, then what we now call environmental theater has a long tradition with roots and precedents in European medieval theater, and was a significant impulse in much modernist and avant-garde praxis.
Does any scenographic design exist that does not make a comment on culture in some capacity?