money laundering

(redirected from Laundered Money)
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Related to Laundered Money: Anti Money Laundering
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: laundering - concealing the source of illegally gotten moneymoney laundering - concealing the source of illegally gotten money
concealing, hiding, concealment - the activity of keeping something secret
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blanchiment d’argentblanchiment d'argent
References in periodicals archive ?
Senator Javed stated that 'for the first we are going to hold accountability all those who have laundered money,' adding that Iqama (work permit) is used to conceal corruption.
The Zardari Group received Rs15 million of the laundered money, according to the FIR.
The special counsel alleged that for nearly a decade, the two men laundered money through scores of US and foreign corporations, partnerships and bank accounts, and gave false statements to the Justice Department and others when asked about their work on behalf of a foreign entity.
Labour former Cabinet minister Lord Hain has raised concerns with the Chancellor that banks including HSBC and Standard Chartered could have acted as "conduits" for laundered money.
Left: Some of the gang's PS19m in laundered money Left: Some of the gang's PS19m in laundered money
The annual amount of laundered money, they say, amounts to as much as a billion dollars only in Macedonia.
"If a cash amount was obtained in an illicit manner and was then deposited in a bank, transferred through money exchange centres, or was used to purchase items, then it is considered laundered money," said Chief of the Financial Prosecution Hassan Mohammad Al Hammadi.
MAJOR amendments that would penalise people for profiting from laundered money have been approved by the Shura Council.
A BRITISH couple have been arrested in Spain over claims they laundered money for a Scots gang who smuggled drugs in fuel tanks.
A MAN alleged to have laundered money earned through suspected fuel smuggling has had assets worth pounds 419,000 frozen.
Following the completion of the investigation, the bank is expected to be designated as a financial institution that has laundered money, and will then be liquidated, according to the report.