Argentine Republic

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Noun1.Argentine Republic - a republic in southern South AmericaArgentine Republic - a republic in southern South America; second largest country in South America
OAS, Organization of American States - an association including most countries in the western hemisphere; created in 1948 to promote military and economic and social and cultural cooperation
Patagonia - region in southern South America between the Andes and the South Atlantic
Triple Frontier - the border area where Argentina and Brazil and Paraguay meet; an active South American center for contraband and drug trafficking and money laundering; a suspected locale for Islamic extremist groups
Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina - capital and largest city of Argentina; located in eastern Argentina near Uruguay; Argentina's chief port and industrial and cultural center
Cordova, Cordoba - a city in central Argentina; site of a university founded in 1613
Moron - a city in Argentina, to the west of Buenos Aires
Rosario - a port city on the Parana River in eastern central Argentina
Vicente Lopez - an industrial suburb of Buenos Aires
pampas - the vast grassy plains of northern Argentina
Tierra del Fuego - an archipelago off southern South America; separated from the continent by the Strait of Magellan; islands are administered by Chile and by Argentina
Aconcagua - the highest mountain in the western hemisphere; located in the Andes in western Argentina (22,834 feet high)
Andes - a mountain range in South America running 5000 miles along the Pacific coast
Bonete - a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,546 feet high)
Cachi - a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,047 feet high)
El Libertador - a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,047 feet high)
El Muerto - a mountain peak in the Andes on the border between Argentina and Chile (21,457 feet high)
Galan - a mountain peak in the Andes in Argentina (21,654 feet high)
Iguassu, Iguassu Falls, Iguazu, Iguazu Falls, Victoria Falls - a large waterfall on the border between Argentina and Brazil
Laudo - a mountain peak in the Andes in Argentina (20,997 feet high)
Llullaillaco - a mountain in the Andes on the border between Argentina and Chile (22,057 feet high)
Mercedario - a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,210 feet high)
Nacimiento - a mountain peak in the Andes in Argentina (21,302 feet high)
Ojos del Salado - a mountain in the Andes on the border between Argentina and Chile (22,572 feet high)
Parana, Parana River - a South American river; tributary of Rio de la Plata
Pissis - a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,241 feet high)
La Plata, Plata River, Rio de la Plata - an estuary between Argentina and Uruguay
South America - a continent in the western hemisphere connected to North America by the Isthmus of Panama
Tupungato - a mountain in the Andes on the border between Argentina and Chile (22,310 feet high)
Argentinian - a native or inhabitant of Argentina
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Argentinische Republik
References in classic literature ?
In the year 1858 I received a bulky packet bearing the stamp of the Argentine Republic, a realm in which, to the best of my belief, I had not a solitary acquaintance.
Additionally, the Embassy of Argentine Republic's Charge d'affaires Facundo D.
The meeting resulted in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute of Diplomacy of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan and the National Institute of Foreign Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Argentine Republic in the field of diplomatic training.
REUTERS/Aziz Taher/File Photo MANAMA - 19 July 2019: Bahrain's Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed the decision of the Argentine Republic to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and freeze its members' assets on its territory.
Manama, July 18 (BNA): The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kingdom of Bahrain welcomed the decision of the Argentine Republic to designate Hezbollah as terrorist organization and freeze its members' assets on its territory.
"At present, Hezbollah continues to represent a current threat to security and the integrity of the economic and financial order of the Argentine Republic," the unit said in a statement.
Buenos Aires, 30 June 2019 SPA -- The Director of King Fahd Islamic Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Ali bin Awadah Al-Shamrani, has met here with Saudi Ambassador to the Argentine Republic Riyadh bin Saud Al-Khneini.
QNA Buenos Aires The government of Argentina has granted the Ambassador of Qatar to the Argentine Republic HE Fahad bin Ibrahim al Hamad al Mana the Order of the Liberator General San Martin, the highest decoration awarded to foreign presidents, government heads, ministers, ambassadors and officials for providing great services to develop ties between their countries and Argentina.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic, Jorge Faure, received a message from HE Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani, inviting him to participate in the 19th Doha Forum to be held from December 14-15.
Jordan Stoychev, Head of the Economic and Trade Section of the Embassy of Argentine Republic to the Republic of Bulgaria.
and ISLAMABAD:Ambassador of Argentine Republic to Pakistan Mr Ivan Ivanissevich on Friday said that bullying of those who are different than us can be overcome by cross communication.