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Noun1.Lauraceae - a family of Lauraceae
magnoliid dicot family - family of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiosperms
order Ranales, order Ranunculales, Ranales, Ranunculales - herbs, shrubs and trees: includes families Ranunculaceae; Annonaceae; Berberidaceae; Magnoliaceae; Menispermaceae; Myristicaceae; Nymphaeaceae; Lardizabalaceae; Lauraceae; Calycanthaceae; Ceratophyllaceae; Cercidiphyllaceae
laurel - any of various aromatic trees of the laurel family
genus Laurus, Laurus - small evergreen trees or shrubs with aromatic leaves
Cinnamomum, genus Cinnamomum - Asiatic and Australian aromatic trees and shrubs
genus Lindera, Lindera - aromatic evergreen or deciduous dioecious shrubs or trees of eastern Asia and North America
genus Benzoin, Benzoin - used in some classifications for the American spicebush and certain other plants often included in the genus Lindera
genus Persea, Persea - avocado
genus Sassafras - a genus of sassafras
genus Umbellularia, Umbellularia - aromatic evergreen trees of Pacific coast
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These evergreen broad-leaved forests are very diverse in species composition, even in dominant species (Tables 2,3), although they are commonly dominated by species of the families Fagaceae, Theaceae and Lauraceae. In the tropical lower montane evergreen broad-leaved forest (LMEB), Fagaceae species Castanopsis echidnocarp, Castanopsis fleuryi, Castanopsis hystrix, Lithocarpus craibianus, Lithocarpus fenestratus, and Theaceae species Schima wallichii dominate.
Habitat: A tree member of the family Lauraceae growing to about 12m in fertile, sandy soil in the tropical areas of southern and eastern Asia.
Lauraceae Nectandra turbacensis (Kunth) Nees as Nectandra sintenisii Mez Lauraceae Ocotea oblonga (Meisn.) Mez as Ocotea portoricensis Mez Meliaceae Melia azedarach L.
The Subtropical Atlantic Forest (or Araucaria Forest), integrating the Brazilian Atlantic Forest hotspot, is characterized by the coexistence of the tropical and temperate flora and by the components Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze, Podocarpus lambertii Klotzsch ex Endl., Lauraceae and Myrtaceae.
Avocado or Persea americana (P.a), another plant found in tropical and subtropical regions, belongs to the family Lauraceae [16].
Plant species that produce essential oils are called aromatic plants and are distributed worldwide; these plants (over 17,000 species) belong to a limited number of families: Asteraceae, Cupressaceae, Lamiaceae, Lauraceae, Rutaceae, Myrtaceae, Piperaceae, and Poaceae [5, 8].
Family FIV Acanthaceae 11.35 Amaryllidaceae 0.22 Apiaceae 23.58 Asclepiadaceae 0.22 Asphodelaceae 0.44 Bignoniaceae 0.87 Clusiaceae 0.44 Combretaceae 0.44 Crassulaceae 0.22 Cyperaceae 0.44 Euphorbiaceae 1.31 Fabaceae 3.49 Lamiaceae 0.44 Lauraceae 0.65 Loganiaceae 0.44 Malvaceae 0.87 Meliaceae 0.44 Menispermaceae 13.53 Molluginaceae 0.22 Moringaceae 0.87 Piperaceae 1.31 Poaceae 0.44 Rutaceae 13.32 Sapindaceae 0.22 Sapotaceae 0.87 Solanaceae 10.92 Verbenaceae 3.49 Zingiberaceae 12.23 Table 3: Medicinal plant species used in Gampaha District to treat inflammatory conditions.