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(Placename) a city in Australia, the chief port of the island state of Tasmania on the Tamar River, 64 km (40 miles) from Bass Strait. Pop: 68 443 (2001)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈlɔnˌsɛs tən, ˈlɑn-)

a port in Australia, on N Tasmania. 88,486.
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I have this moment, whilst writing, had a wire from Jonathan, saying that he leaves by the 6:25 tonight from Launceston and will be here at 10:18, so that I shall have no fear tonight.
We look forward to seeing you all at CONASTA 58 in picturesque Launceston.
By10minutes Stour were 14-0upafter they first disrupted Launceston's defensive scrum for flanker Rupert Cooper to pounce, then drove their own attacking scrum 20 yards out and put Griffiths over.
Instead in the Centenary Year of the Rudder Cup, the fleet will sail via Launceston.
In her book, One Grand Chain The History of Anaesthesia in Australia, Volume 1, Dr Gwen Wilson expressed some reservations about the validity of the medical qualifications which Dr William Russ Pugh publicly claimed as qualifying him to practise as a doctor in Launceston and later in Melbourne (1).
But only a near miracle will save Orrell from National Three rugby next season as they went down 15-21 to Launceston at Edge Hall Road.
WATERLOO got back on the winning trail after their recent defeat by Moseley, beating mid-table visitors Launceston by six tries to four, but coach Phil Winstanley cannot have been too happy.
Launceston...................23 y Coventry........................
COVENTRY secured their first away win of the season with a five-try performance at Launceston, whose captain Tom Rawlings was sent off after the final whistle.
With Launceston smashing Manchester 71-8, the Corbridge men slipped up 38-28 in the Midlands to fall 10 points off fourth spot.
Ammunition and grenades were found in the property on Launceston Close, Kingston Park, Newcastle, after council officers arrived to deal with noisy neighbour complaints.