good question

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good question

a question that is hard to answer immediately
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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References in classic literature ?
"A very good question. What were you doing, sir, on Mr.
For asking good questions. For thinking through the meaning of the answers and drawing incisive conclusions.
His topics include what makes a good question essential, how good analytical questions deepen knowledge and thinking, how good hypothetical questions pique curiosity and creativity, how good affective questions promote differentiation and disposition, and how students should address and respond to good questions.
A good question in the classroom excites outspoken students but it should never be assumed that the quiet ones are not as interested.
In this episode of “Why Shamanism Now?” titled “How to Craft a Good Question: Shamanic Journeying,” Pratt continues to explore the common mistakes, misconceptions, and false assumptions made by journeyers, and remedies to correct them.
"He talked to the pupils about the novel and we had a really good question and answer session.
"Good question. Thank you and good night," People magazine quoted McCartney as saying.
The One Show's Matt Baker asking the Prime Minister, "How do you sleep at night?" A good question, just not the way he meant it.
What can a drunk football hooligan do?" A good question, to which the answer is usually: throw plastic patio furniture a pathetically short distance and make a lot of those "Come on then!" hand gestures.
* Ask Good Questions. Even one good question may be enough to show that you've listened intently.
A good question for McCain is: if he would not have nominated them, why did he vote to approve their nominations?