good old days

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Noun1.good old days - past times remembered with nostalgiagood old days - past times remembered with nostalgia
past, past times, yesteryear - the time that has elapsed; "forget the past"
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References in classic literature ?
{Rocheaimard = both the Chateau and the family are fictitious; marechal du camp = general commanding a brigade; le bon vieux temps = the good old days; late King = Louis XVI, guillotined in 1793; en attendant=for the time being}
Although Iogel did not acknowledge this to be the real mazurka, everyone was delighted with Denisov's skill, he was asked again and again as a partner, and the old men began smilingly to talk about Poland and the good old days. Denisov, flushed after the mazurka and mopping himself with his handkerchief, sat down by Natasha and did not leave her for the rest of the evening.
In the good old days up in Colusa we used to hang men like him just to keep the air we breathed clean and wholesome."
What boy has not sighed for the good old days of wars, revolutions, and riots; how I used to pore over the chronicles of those old days, those dear old days, when workmen went armed to their labors; when they fell upon one another with gun and bomb and dagger, and the streets ran red with blood!
Our subject was an infant in arms when he lost his father, an officer who died just as he was about to be court-martialled for gambling away the funds of his company, and perhaps also for flogging a subordinate to excess (remember the good old days, gentlemen).
Why had not Miss Woodhouse revived the former good old days of the room?She who could do any thing in Highbury!
Those were good old days; never fear -- these people owe us no grudge."
"Oh, give me back the good old days of fifty years ago," has been the cry ever since Adam's fifty-first birthday.
I should be getting up when I pleased, eating and drinking all I wanted, and carrying on same as in the good old days. You wouldn't think, to look at me, would you now, that I was once like the lily of the field?'
"You bet they didn't," Billy agreed "Them was the good old days. I'd liked to a-lived then." He drew a long breath and sighed.
He had the air of one who recalls the good old days, of one who in familiar scenes re-enacts the joys of his vanished youth.
Well, there is one; there was one soon after I took the chest back from your rooms to mine, in the good old days. You push one of the handles down - which no one ever does - and the whole of that end opens like the front of a doll's house.