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Noun1.goodby - a farewell remarkgoodby - a farewell remark; "they said their good-byes"
farewell, word of farewell - an acknowledgment or expression of goodwill at parting
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References in classic literature ?
Pontellier was a great favorite, and ladies, men, children, even nurses, were always on hand to say goodby to him.
"Didn't--didn't you mean even to say goodby to me, Bartley?
Jane was not married before she left with her father and Esmeralda for her little Wisconsin farm, and as she coldly bid Robert Canler goodby as her train pulled out, he called to her that he would join them in a week or two.
Later.--It took all my courage to say goodby to my darling.
The servant came up stairs to say goodby; and went away for her holiday.
Jeff Goodby - Co-Chairman and Partner, Goodby Silverstein & Partners
Critique: Another non-stop thriller of a novel by a master of the genre, "Goodby Paris" is author Mike Bond's latest Pono Hawkins adventure.
Director of People and Organisation Development Raffaela Goodby is "urging all patients to nominate someone who they think has offered them great quality of care whilst they or their family have been treated at our trust.
Romans keeper Kallum Whale pulled off two great saves to deny Kyle Baxter and Jake Woolley while the Adders suffered a blow with Scott Goodby's dismissal early in the second half.
The victim was found with multiple stab wounds near the junction with Goodby Road at 6.25am.
Jeff Goodby, co-founder of Goodby Silverstein & Partners and an unabashed liberal, said the past year and a half have taught him to listen and absorb rather than simply isolating yourself in your own beliefs.
Goodby bags are said to including brands such as Play-Doh, My Little Pony and LEGO, theBirmingham Mail reports.