Fraser Island

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Fraser Island

(Placename) an island off the south-east coast of Queensland and the largest sand island in the world; contains rainforests, heathlands, and freshwater lakes; a national park (since 1976) and a World Heritage site (since 1992). Area: 1840 sq km (710 sq miles). Pop: 194 (2011)
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Simon Coyle feeds a kangaroo at Austrailia Zoo AS I float blissfully on the crystal-clear water of Fraser Island's Lake McKenzie, it's hard to imagine being anywhere more perfect.
au) | Noosa Everglades Discovery ( | Habitat Noosa Everlades Eco Camp ( | Kingfisher Bay Resort ( Enjoying a dip in the stunning Lake McKenzie on Fraser Island Surrounded by rainforests and pure white silica - it's scorched due to the low PH levels in the water - this is a magical place to spend an hour or two just soaking in the beauty all around.
To the south of Brisbane is the Gold Coast and Byron Bay, while heading north takes you along the vast and beautiful Sunshine Coast towards Fraser Island.
Fraser Island Defenders' Organisation won the award in 2011.
Still on their Commonwealth tour and just days after arriving in Sydney, Prince Harry and Markle visited Fraser Island. During the outing, the Duchess of Sussex was first spotted touching her growing baby bump.
Despite the gruelling tour - 76 engagements in just over a fortnight - Meghan was a near ever-present feature across the four countries, only missing parts of Fraser Island owing to the uneven terrain, and one appearance in Sydney after a late night.
In all, they visited Sydney, Dubbo, Melbourne, Fraser Island, Fiji, Tonga, Wellington, Auckland and, finally, Rotorua before flying out yesterday.
But the Los Angeles native was back in top form on Monday when the two visited Australia's Fraser Island. Then on Tuesday, she wowed in a cream Zimmermann dress and matching fascinator by Stephen Jones upon arriving in Suva, Fiji.
1 / 28 Britain's Prince Harry (back C) poses with members of the Butchulla people, who are the traditional owners of Fraser Island, during the unveiling of the Queen's Commonwealth Canopy plaque at Pile Valley on Fraser Island on October 22, 2018.