Franz Kline

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Related to Franz Kline: Abstract Expressionism
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Noun1.Franz Kline - United States abstract expressionist painter (1910-1962)
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Season 2 brings in even more real faces when Midge goes to a bar full of artists and Benjamin points out people like Franz Kline and Robert Motherwell, both of whom were real painters.
Leon Gallery director Jaime Ponce de Leon said one of the highlights in the auction is Jose Joya's 1957 untitled masterpiece, where there is a strong influence of Franz Kline and the New York School at its height and during Joya's first trip to the United States.
Unlike them, he has a pedigree: he has shown his work alongside Mark Rothko, Franz Kline and Robert Motherwell while they were still alive and in their prime.
Greatly influenced by the 1940s abstract expressionist movement, the series of acrylics Jughian is showing at Tanit bears some comparison with the works of Jackson Pollock, Arshile Gorky and Franz Kline.
The boon expanded that fall with a roundup titled "15 of New York," featuring, among a diverse array, de Kooning, Philip Guston, Pollock, and one of Dwan's first favorites, Franz Kline (highlighted in Meyer's hang).
But women played a key role in the articulation of the movement: as early as 1942, Lee Krasner's work was exhibited alongside that of Jackson Pollock, her future husband; Joan Mitchell, Perle Fine, and Mary Abbott were regularly invited to the members-only Eighth Street Club, founded in 1949 by Willem de Kooning, Ad Reinhardt and others; and Elaine de Kooning and Helen Frankenthaler (who later married Robert Motherwell) were included in the seminal 'Ninth Street Exhibition' alongside Krasner and Mitchell, organised by Leo Castelli in 1951- Women also participated in the museum shows of the day; Grace Hartigan took part in the 1956 MoMA exhibition 'Twelve Americans', which also featured paintings by Philip Guston and Franz Kline.
To complement this exhibit, additional works by many of the artists represented in When Modern Was Contemporary, and others not represented, will be on display in the museum's gallery, including Franz Kline, Robert Rauschenberg, and Andy Warhol, as well as Mississippi modernist painters Dusti Bonge, Andrew Bucci, and George Wardlaw.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Keith Haring (May 3, 1958), Georges Braque (May 12, 1882), Jasper Johns (May 15, 1930), Franz Kline (May 23, 1910) and Mary Cassatt (May 25, 1844).
The New York School (of modern art) eventually included Pennsylvania-born Franz Kline, Washington-born Robert Motherwell, and Wyoming-born Jackson Pollock.
Franz Kline - Meryon, 1960-1 The bold directional marks in this painting have a strong architectural sense, and it has been suggested that the work relates to an engraving of a clock tower by the 19th-century French artist Charles Meryon.