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(Brewing) a dry or semisweet white wine from the Lazio region of Italy
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Though Frascati's and the Salon were open at that time in Paris, the mania for play was so widely spread that the public gambling-rooms did not suffice for the general ardour, and gambling went on in private houses as much as if there had been no public means for gratifying the passion.
Many young men of Palestrina, Frascati, and Pampinara had disappeared.
On the evening of the ball Teresa was attired in her best, her most brilliant ornaments in her hair, and gayest glass beads, -- she was in the costume of the women of Frascati. Luigi wore the very picturesque garb of the Roman peasant at holiday time.
Launched into the world of actors and actresses, writers, artists, and certain women of uncertain means, he lived well, went to the theatre without paying, gambled at Frascati, and often won.
Outside of his two stage wins, Ewan was also third in Stage 2 in Fucecchio, second in Stage 4 in Frascati, and was twice fourth in Stage 5 in Terracina and Stage 10 in Modena.
STAR BUY 2016 Frascati PS4.75 at Tesco Superiore is the usual target level for everyday wine from Italy's Frascati country but this (basic) version from the next level down is tasty, typical and brilliant value for money.
Monaghan & (b)Pab Music Services Ltd having ceased to trade, having its registered office at 42 Frascati Park, Blackrock, Co.
On the basis of data from the new nanotechnology zener-diode quantum gravitational wave detectors [1] it is argued that the wave effects detected in 1980 by Amaldi et al [2,3], using two cryogenic bar detectors, located in Frascati and Rome, were genuine gravitational wave effects, together with earth oscillation effects, although not gravitational waves of the expected form.
In a homily delivered in the Frascati, Italy on Sunday, July 15, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI noted that the Apostles were called by Christ to preach the truth even if people don't want to hear it.
TODAY'S TIPS CHELTENHAM: 2.00 Bold Chief, 2.35 Dom D'Orgeval, 3.10 Court In Session, 3.45 Aerial, 4.20 Barlow, 4.55 Frascati Park, 5.30 Katchmore.