Earth dog

(Zool.) a dog that will dig in the earth, or enter holes of foxes, etc.

See also: Earth

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Last year's Yang Earth Dog was an earth-on-earth combination, as dog is related to the earth element.
Given the birthdate of our country, the Philippines was born in the year of the Earth Dog, month of the Earth Horse, day of the Fire Horse and time of the Fire Monkey.
In the spirit of the festive season, who could be the winners and losers in 2018, Asia's Year of Earth Dog? The Year of Living Dangerously Prize: Xi Jinping China's Xi Jinping cemented his rule by having the two-term limit scrapped, ostensibly becoming "president for life" in the communist-ruled nation of almost 1.4 billion people.
"This 2018, the Ghost Month is intense because it's the year of the Young Earth Dog. It's a double young earth which signifies a possible strong earthquake," says feng shui Master Hanz Cua during an exclusive interview in Mandaluyong City.
The Losar festival which is celebrated as the New Year by the Buddhist community has entered into 2145 Earth Dog year as per the Buddhist calendar.
F1 Hotel Manila celebrates the Chinese New Year with the traditional Lion Dance as they welcome the Year of the Earth Dog last February 16, 2018.
The year of 2018 meets element of earth, so 2018 is a Earth Dog Year.
According to the Chinese zodiac, 2018 is the Year of the Earth Dog, following the Year of the Fire Rooster in 2017.
The Chinese Horoscope 2018 predicts that this year of the Brown Earth Dog is going to be a good year in all respects, but it will also be an exhausting year.
I wish Mongolia every success in the year of the Earth Dog. Happy Tsagaan Sar!" the statement said.
The Yang Earth Dog energies are controlled by the Earth element in its most powerful form.