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(Anatomy) a variant of danny
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When the coach stopped, a very neat lady looked up at the window and said, "Miss Donny."
"That is quite right," said the lady, "Miss Donny."
I now understood that she introduced herself by that name, and begged Miss Donny's pardon for my mistake, and pointed out my boxes at her request.
"Everything is ready for you, Esther," said Miss Donny, "and the scheme of your pursuits has been arranged in exact accordance with the wishes of your guardian, Mr.
I was so bewildered that Miss Donny thought the cold had been too severe for me and lent me her smelling-bottle.
"Not personally, Esther," said Miss Donny; "merely through his solicitors, Messrs.
Our speedy arrival at our destination, before I had time to recover myself, increased my confusion, and I never shall forget the uncertain and the unreal air of everything at Greenleaf (Miss Donny's house) that afternoon!
After the first six months or so I had taken Miss Donny's advice in reference to the propriety of writing to Mr.
We were twelve boarders, and there were two Miss Donnys, twins.
And when the two Miss Donnys grieved as much to part with me as the least among them, and when the maids said, "Bless you, miss, wherever you go!" and when the ugly lame old gardener, who I thought had hardly noticed me in all those years, came panting after the coach to give me a little nosegay of geraniums and told me I had been the light of his eyes--indeed the old man said so!-- what a heart I had then!
"To me, this shows what a great guy Leo is because he knew what Donny did when he was not at home, climbing into bed drunk with me.
Donny might have missed the point slightly, or might just not know that Tom was born and bred in Pontypridd and still speaks with a Welsh accent.