don't know

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Related to don't know: don't know what to do

don't know

(Statistics) a person who has not reached a definite opinion on a subject, esp as a response to a questionnaire
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
She was going to say: "Don't know," but stopped herself in time.
It was for something about his business--I don't know exactly what; you know I never understand those things, never want to.
"I don't know how to answer your question," he said, blushing without knowing why.
He sums up his mental condition when asked a question by replying that he "don't know nothink." He knows that it's hard to keep the mud off the crossing in dirty weather, and harder still to live by doing it.
"I am ashamed to say I don't know how to cook anything," she confessed; "you had better leave me out of it."
I don't know anything about the coffee-cups, except that we've got some that are never used, which are a perfect dream!
One or two of the tradespeople even darted out of their shops and went a little way down the street before me, that they might turn, as if they had forgotten something, and pass me face to face - on which occasions I don't know whether they or I made the worse pretence; they of not doing it, or I of not seeing it.
Well, I don't know, I don't know," moaned Nancy, with a shake of her head as she turned away.
"Really, I don't know. But this is what I want you to tell me..."
'I give you my word of honour, Mortimer,' returned Eugene, after a serious pause of a few moments, 'that I don't know.'
"I don't know, I don't understand," the poor woman murmured, planted there and letting her embarrassed eyes wander all over my strangeness.
"I don't know what your mother'd thought if she lived to see the day when you took up with a tough like Bill Roberts.

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