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Related to donum: Dunum


or du·num  (do͝on′əm)
1. A unit of area used for land measurement in the Near East and usually equal to 1,000 square meters.
2. A unit of area used for land measurement in Iraq and equal to 2,500 square meters.

[Ultimately (partly via Arabic dūnum) from Turkish dönüm, a turning, a returning, donum, from dönmek, to turn (in reference to the turning of oxen back and forth when plowing a field, a donum originally being the amount of land that a pair of oxen could plow in a day).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The report revealed that out of 752,839 donums (one donum is 1,000 square metres) representing the total area of plant holdings in the emirate, 39 per cent was cultivated with fruit trees.
Costas Petrou has an imported car yard on in Spyros Kyprianou Ave in Nicosia and is advertising that with every purchase of an imported car worth over E10,000, he will also hand over donum (1,338 m2) of land in Bulgaria for free.
Costas Petrou has an imported car yard on in Spyros Kyprianou Ave in Nicosia and is advertising that with every purchase of an imported car worth over e1/410,000, he will also hand over donum (1,338 m2) of land in Bulgaria for free.
The Vatican-ordered closing of church-run centers in the late 1990s, over the opposition of many German bishops and lay organizations, prompted lay Catholics to set up their own centers in a program called Donum Vitae.
It will be given by Donum Musicum, a young group playing in the Midlands for the first time.
Berlin -- It has taken Germany's Bishops' Conference six years to formally ban the pregnancy advisory service, Donum Vitae, from all its dioceses after complaints from the Vatican and Catholic groups.
When Allied-Domecq bought Buena Vista in 2001, she wisely retained Tula Vista, which she had renamed The Donum Estate, as a Racke holding (the company name), and began to develop it as the heart of a largely Pinot Noir-focused operation.
THE GERMAN BISHOPS IN July banned people "acting in the Church's service" from working with Donum Vitae, a pregnancy counseling operation that is affiliated with the Central Committee of German Lay Catholics and participates in Germany's government pregnancy counseling network.
(1.) Donum vitae (Respect for Human Life), Instruction on respect for human life in its origin, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 1987.
These cases normally come about either due to stimulation of the ovaries in cases of infertility, or from use of artificial fertilization, about which the Magisterium has already expressed its opinion (CDF, Donum vitae, 1986).
Donum vitae, the 1987 Vatican instruction on high tech conception, states that the freezing of embryos
Darar Ali Hussein, has conducted the experiment on an area of more than 2 donums (1 donum =2,500 square meters)," a local media spokesperson told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.