Camp Bastion

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Camp Bastion

a large British military base in Helmand province, Afghanistan, built in 2006
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Insufficient attention was given to the fundamental requirement of defending Camp Bastion from external assault.
In January 2006, Camp Bastion was built near Lashkar Gah in Helmand province.
The Billion Pound Base: Dismantling Camp Bastion SUNDAY, CHANNEL 4, 8PM Camp Bastion.
THE BILLION POUND BASE: DISMANTLING CAMP BASTION Sun C4 8pm In Southern Helmand Province, 28,000 troops have left Camp Bastion following the end of British combat operations in Afghanistan.
THE BILLION POUND BASE: DISMANTLING CAMP BASTION Channel 4, 8pm Our troops are on their way home, so what of Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, which for eight years has been the base of UK and US military operations?
The end of British combat operations after 13 years of war was announced on Sunday, with Camp Bastion handed over to Afghan control.
ALL British troops have left Camp Bastion in a huge airlift operation marking the final chapter in the 13-year Afghanistan conflict.
The last military equipment in Camp Bastion and the remaining members of the Armed Forces were flown out on 17 waves of helicopters and airplanes as the Afghans took control of the base.
A FORMER soldier from Merseyside has revealed his pride at the role he played in setting up Camp Bastion - as the huge Afghan military base was handed to the country's Army.
The last military helicopter flight left Camp Bastion and landed at Kandahar airbase in the neighbouring province.
troops have witnessed the lowering of the Union flag for the last time at the Camp Bastion complex in Helmand.