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Related to Camous: Camus


a.1.Flat; depressed; crooked; - said only of the nose.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Skanska AB (STO:SKAB) announced on Tuesday that it has been commissioned by Skandrenting, through its wholly owned subsidiary SKR Spallation AB, to build the ESS Campus (European Spallation Source Camous), in Lund, Sweden.
Raploch Community Camous was the venue for the Super Strings Sessions for around 350 young players.
Guard of the camous stated that two unknown individuals arrived at the campus and said they would set the vehicles on fire since his boss did not support them in their actions and threatened to kill him.
Fransiz tarihci ve arastirmaci Thierry Camous'nun "Dogular Batilar Yirmi Bes Asirlik Savas" baslikli kitabi dogu ve bati olarak ayristirilan iki farkli medeniyetin mucadelesini, birbirleriyle yapmis olduklari savaslar uzerinden ele alan kapsamli bir calismadir.
Camous, tum bu farkliliklari sirasiyla, Perslerin Yunanistan'i istilasi, Iskender'in Dogu seferi ve Romalilarin Partlar karsisinda almis olduklari Carrhae bozgununa deginerek anlatmaktadir.
Let me make clear that there are universities and courses which are demanding and produce fine young people with much to offer employers and society, and who leave camous destined for success.
mtvU Best Filmaker on Camous Josh Greenbaum (University of Southern California) Border Patrol
The Ohio MTA All-Ohio Piano Ensemble (A-OPE) will honor David Karp, NCTM, with a concert of his duet and solo compositions June 10-12 on the camous of Bowling Green State University.