board of directors

(redirected from Boards of directors)
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Noun1.board of directors - a group of persons chosen to govern the affairs of a corporation or other large institutionboard of directors - a group of persons chosen to govern the affairs of a corporation or other large institution
board - a committee having supervisory powers; "the board has seven members"
staggered board of directors - a board of directors a portion of whose members are elected each year instead of all members being elected annually
management - those in charge of running a business
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References in classic literature ?
The scenes enacted in the privacy of Daylight's office, and of the meetings of his boards of directors, would have given the lie to the editorials in his newspapers; as, for instance, when he addressed the big stockholders in the Sierra and Salvador Power Company, the United Water Company, and the several other stock companies:--
I have been credibly informed, and am inclined to believe, that the various boards of directors of railway companies, those gigantic jobbers and bribers, while quarrelling about everything else, agreed together some ten years back to buy up the learned profession of medicine, body and soul.
Plan Management Corp., the developer of OptionTrax stock option administration software, has brought out new features and functionality to combat stock option backdating and to provide auditable tools for public company finance departments, boards of directors and independent public accountants.
On September 22, 2005, the Federal Reserve Board approved actions by the Boards of Directors of the Federal Reserve Banks of Cleveland, Atlanta, and Dallas, increasing the discount rate at the Banks from 4 1/2 percent to 4 3/4 percent.
Saft is also heavily involved representing the boards of directors and sponsors in the development of cooperatives and condominiums, including Co-op City in its $475 million refinancing and reconstruction, the largest to date.
Fellow African American David Andrews joined the boards of directors of PG&E Corp.
That means they have their own boards of directors, which are supposed to keep an eye on management and performance.
* WITH THE ADVERT OF SARBANES-OXLEY, CPAs ARE LIKELY to receive more invitations to serve on the audit committees of corporate boards of directors. Before accepting these offers, accountants should make sure they are ready for the time commitment and other responsibilities that come along with them.
This system was built for two reasons: for our members, to provide them with opportunities to serve on boards of directors; and as a public service, to provide companies access to a database of CPAs who may meet their skills and experience needs to serve on boards of directors and presumably the audit committees of those boards.
He also then served on the boards of directors of Pike & Fischer Inc.
As a result, most critics argue that boards of directors should be largely comprised of members who are not firm employees and who are not engaged in close personal and/or professional relationships with the CEO or the firm.