

(Hunting) the practice of hunting wild boars
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Having once made up his mind to action, he soon brought the baroness and the Von Swillenhausens to reason, and died many years afterwards: not a rich man that I am aware of, but certainly a happy one: leaving behind him a numerous family, who had been carefully educated in bear and boar-hunting under his own personal eye.
In fact, Prince Charles was dubbed as "( Hooligan of the Year " following a boar-hunting expedition in Liechtenstein in 1978.
News that Prince Harry reportedly joined a boar-hunting trip in Germany this weekend comes as a great disappointment.
Bryan D Prescott Caerphilly Harry shouldn't get his kicks this way NEWS that Prince Harry reportedly joined a boar-hunting trip in Germany this weekend comes as a great disappointment.
The boar-hunting videos were analysed qualitatively, and this study thus differs from the quantitative approaches (often content analysis) that dominate studies of media frames.
Yesterday, Lockerbie defended his boar-hunting business and said the animals are killed quickly and humanely.
In "Country of Origin," the hero, a small man, identifies with a boar-hunting ancestor, a giant, whose skill he has inherited and practices by shooting mice.
Those who snort at the trend towards city-living flats and find that the urban environment rather hampers boar-hunting expeditions will be relieved to hear that considerably more suitable alternatives do still exist.
Due to the Prince of Wales' love for blood sports, ( Anthony Holden , author of "Charles, Prince of Wales," claimed that the future king was branded "Hooligan of the Year" following a boar-hunting expedition in Liechtenstein in 1978.