Boarding pike

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(Naut.) a pike used by sailors in boarding a vessel, or in repelling an attempt to board it.

See also: Boarding

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
It was a common belief among his neighbors that he had been a pirate--if upon any better evidence than his collection of boarding pikes, cutlasses, and ancient flintlock pistols, no one knew.
If it doesn't, it may be asked to walk the plank, ushered on its way with a stiff poke from a boarding pike
The imposing work was built within a protective square of sombre iron railings, which were designed to represent ships' boarding pikes and were bound together with coil symbolising nautical rope.
When the Bull Ring markets area was heavily bombed in the Blitz, Nelson and his boarding pikes escaped unscathed.